Southwark Council

This website is run by Southwark Council.

We’re working with our partners, including the GLA, Transport for London, Lewisham Council and the local community to ensure the regeneration of Old Kent Road is a success.

If you would like more detail about our plans you can download all the key documents here.

If you have a question or would like to get involved, please send us a message using the box below or write to:

Old Kent Road Team
Planning and Growth
Southwark Council
160 Tooley Street
London SE1 2QH

Send us a message
This form collects your name and email address so that we may respond to you easily. This information will never be sold, rented or given to any third party. The data given on this form is strictly for our own use. If you are happy to share your details with us you must first confirm by checking the box above.
Send message
Cllr Helen Dennis
Cllr Helen Dennis - Cabinet Member for New Homes & Sustainable Development
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